GP Workload Tool

✓ DNAs
✓ Number of appointments
✓ The GPWT dashboard provides information:
– Utilisation and DNA rates
– Weekly breakdown
– Appointments by Mode
– Age/ Gender
– 3rd, 4th and 5th available appointments
– Appointments by session holder

Capacity to generate reports
✓ Practice ad PCN use
✓ Practices can generate reports for any purpose, so technically they can generate reports for CCG not sure if they actually do.


System level
✓ Aggregated appointment data across a region
✓ National and regional appointments data is being met by the GP appointments data publication, currently aggregated by CCG level.
✓ From April 2021 it is planned to be at practice level, so they can review their data, their PCN data and regional.

Real time data
✓ Once a day

Ease of use
✓ Intuitive and requires minimal staff training (length of training & mode of delivery)

Deployment support
✓ Ongoing customer service (24-hour helpline, dedicated support)
✓ This is accessed through the service help desk and is part of the service provision.