This section is intended for clinicians caring for children with asthma in a hospital or tertiary care setting. It outlines examples of best practice in the assessment, treatment and ongoing management of children and young people with asthma in an acute setting.

All health professionals need to have the competence, knowledge, skills and confidence to care and treat children and young people with respiratory disease.

Our workforce team who may be able to assist

Sample job descriptions

Asthma clinical nurse specialist – Band 7 – Guys and St Thomas’s

Asthma deputy clinical nurse specialist – Band 6 – Guys and St Thomas’s 

Healthcare scientist advanced specialist including sleep – Guys and St Thomas’s

Healthcare scientist specialist – Band 6 – Guys and St Thomas’s

See the commissioners and schools section for additional community based job descriptions.

Please find free online training courses here:

For recognised diploma level training – Education for health

Please find these example Asthma teaching summary slides to help run education programs for your workforce, as well as the Asthma education projects patient scenarios. We thank the Royal Free for developing these resources.

Pan-London Asthma Nurses Meeting Slides

Childhood Obesity

Covid19 at the Whittington

Preschool Wheeze

Promoting Flu